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帖子 20002
註冊 2017-9-14
用戶註冊天數 2482
發表於 2018-6-5 21:23
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Bids were opened yesterday at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board for the construction of a storage area for recyclable material at Haags Bosch Sanitary landfill. The project falls under the Georgetown Solid Waste Management Programme.With an engineer’s estimate of $7,Cheap NFL Jerseys China,329,Jerseys NFL Wholesale,500 the bids submitted were:Bidder Amount Puran Brothers Disposal Service$12.3M?R.P. Construction Agency$7.8MMeanwhile,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the Audit Office of Guyana received four bids for the supply of laptop computers and related hardware equipment. The bids were divided into three lots and were as follows:Bidder Amount Laparkan Trading Guyana LtdLot 1 – $7.2MCCS GuyanaLots 1,Cheap NBA Jerseys,2 &3 – $11.5MN.T ComputeacLots 1,NFL Jerseys Supply, 2 & 3 – $18.7MGlobal TechnologyLot 1 – $31.2MLot 2 – $7.7M