標題: Cheap Jerseys Online De Hoop

帖子 20002
註冊 2017-9-14
用戶註冊天數 2484
發表於 2018-5-25 11:44
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Two men who were charged with the attempted murder of Jowkarran Gurdatt were again denied their pretrial liberty when they made another court appearance before Magistrate Alex Moore at the Mahaica Magistrates Court.Mahase Persaud and Norfy Ramkissoon are the two persons charged. The incident happened almost four weeks back at Broken Water-land,NFL Jerseys China, De Hoop,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Mahaica,Wholesale Jerseys, East Coast Demerara.The case in itself has some technicality since Gurdatt died a few weeks back at the Georgetown Public Hospital.The charge was instituted after the police alleged that the two men inflicted several blows to Gurdatt.However a post mortem examination performed on Gurdatt failed to show that it was blows to head,Stitched NFL Jerseys, that caused his death.According to sources at the Georgetown Public Hospital the man died as a result of a coronary defect.As the matter was called yesterday the prosecution did not state if there would be any amendment to the present charge.This then prompted attorney at law Jerome Khan, who is representing the two men, to renew his bail application.The lawyer argued that his clients are charged with an eminently bailable offence. The prosecutor informed the court that the file was sent to the Director of Public Prosecution for advice.He argued that the prosecution has in its possession the post mortem report which shows that blunt force trauma was not the cause of death.Khan also argued that it was not his clients who inflicted any blows to Gurdatt,Jerseys Cheap Wholesale, but rather two other persons whom the police have not been able to arrest.He added that his clients voluntarily turned themselves to the police and it was very “unreasonable’ for the police and prosecution to hold his clients as “bait”.Despite the arguments put forward by the lawyer,Cheap Jerseys From China, the magistrate refused to grant bail.