標題: Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale reduced taxes

帖子 20002
註冊 2017-9-14
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發表於 2018-5-20 12:28
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The Alliance For Change (AFC) has condemned the government for resisting growing demands to reviewAFC’s Chairman, Khemraj Ramjattanall major contracts signed in the run up to the 2011 General Election to be reviewed by Parliament, including the controversial Marriott Hotel project.This was expressed by AFC’s Chairman, Khemraj Ramjattan, at a press conference yesterday at the Side Walk Caf?,Wholesale Jerseys, Middle Street.He said the actions by the Government have signaled a clear intention not to proceed with revealing information pertaining to the controversial Marriott Hotel.He did not rule out the possibility of raising the matter in Parliament.“The AFC condemns this decision and makes it very clear,Wholesale Jerseys China, that it will not tolerate any commitment of taxpayers’ resources to a private entity whether in the form of equity or taxpayers’ guarantee or otherwise.”He explained that the Marriott project has been heavily criticised for threatening unfair competition with local industry players who have invested their own money but suffer the financial effects of low occupancy.Adding that if the Marriott chain wants a hotel in Guyana it must invest its own money just like they have done in other countries, Ramjattan said that Guyanese taxpayers will ultimately pay the price.“The government’s commitment of US$4 million of Guyanese taxpayers money plus a guarantee of US$40 million to the Marriot would be better spent at the University of Guyana to improve the professionalism and quality of academic staff and facilities so badly needed at this run-down, politically manipulated institution. In addition,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, we need better drainage and irrigation especially in the city and farming communities,” Ramjattan noted.“We need better drainage and garbage collection in the city, reliable electricity, reduced taxes, security of citizens. The Government is clearly putting the interests of a rich multinational entity and a few corrupt characters within the PPP in front of the masses of Guyanese.”An artist’s impression of planned Marriott Hotel in Kingston. AFC is backing calls to review the project.Ramjattan further noted that Government has resisted requests from private sector bodies,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, the public and the political opposition for information on the Marriott project which was not subjected to any feasibility study; had no consultation with the local hotel industry,Stitched Jerseys, and was never disclosed to Parliament.“The AFC views this latest act of bad governance as an extension and continuation of the corrupt Jagdeo administration noted for its dictatorial tendencies and misuse of state resources. It is calling on President Donald Ramotar to fulfill his election promise of stamping out corruption by cancelling projects motivated by fraudulent intent such as the likes of the Marriott project.”On November 23, 2010, the Minister of Finance, Dr Ashni Singh,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, used his powers under the Public Corporations Act 1998 to transfer lands in Kingston to the state-owned National Industrial Commercial Investment Limited (NICIL), the body which acquires and holds government shares, stocks, debentures or other securities of any company, and such like bodies.The application for approval to build the Marriott Hotel was submitted to the City Engineer in the name of Winston Brassington, who was acting on behalf of Atlantic Hotel Incorporated (AHI), the company which was set up by the government to oversee the construction of a Marriott branded hotel.Brassington is also the chairman of NICIL, to which the land was transferred.