標題: mlb jerseys china 000 bail. However

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註冊 2017-9-14
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發表於 2018-5-2 01:42
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When a case of domestic violence makes headlines there’s a laser focus on the abuser and the victim.But what about their children?Far too many times we think about the abuser and not the children who are not the victims, but witnesses in the case of gender based violence. Sometimes, it’s only when a child is impacted that survivors are pushed to sever ties with the abuser.A city Magistrate last Friday sentenced a man to three months in prison after he was found guilty of assaulting his wife in front of their children.Twenty four-year-old father of five, Mark Martin faced two charges of assaulting his wife.He was first charged with Assault Causing Actual Bodily Harm committed on his reputed wife on January 28th at Charlestown. He denied it and he was granted $25,000 bail. However,Cheap NFL Jerseys Free Shipping, he pleaded guilty to the second charge which stated that on April 20th he unlawfully assaulted the woman by cuffing her to her face and pelting her with a photo frame.The prosecution’s evidence indicated that on numerous occasions the victim reported the abuse to the police but the officers only warned Martin. On the day of the incident, Martin who lived with the woman and shared two children with her cuffed her several times to her face and pelted her with a photo frame. Prosecutor Corporal Simone Payne said the victim received injuries.According to the evidence given by the woman,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, Martin, who has three other children with another woman,NFL Jerseys China, was previously taken to court for failing to pay his child support.She indicated that it was because of her taking action against him with regard to the child support that he became abusive towards her.When the Magistrate asked Martin if he committed the offence he did not deny the allegation, shrugging his shoulders he explained that he, “only hit her because she was doing certain things that I told her she shouldn’t be doing.”Magistrate Fabayo Azore said she did not think imposing a fine would be suitable under the circumstances, considering the fact that he confessed that he abused her in the presence of their children.“That’s the mother of your children…when you hit her in front of your children,Cheap Jerseys From China, that is very bad sir… you need to take time and reflect on what you’ve done.”Head of the Child Care and Protection Agency Anne Greene, yesterday in a brief telephone interview told Kaieteur News that what children see and hear has a profound impact from the very onset of their lives.No matter how much parents or guardians in some cases believe it is hidden from their children, boys and girls alike see what is happening and they worry and stress. “They don’t get out of this unscathed… they are extremely vulnerable” the Director said. “A child learns from what they live in and after a while their minds are conditioned to violence.”Though there are contributing factors to consider why domestic violence is prevalent in homes namely poverty,nfl jerseys china, substance abuse, parental mental health, children who witness domestic violence are at a great risk of becoming victims themselves,China Jerseys NFL Wholesale, according to Greene. It is the Agency’s job to respond to any cases reported of children who are witnesses or victims of abuse in their household. The Agency believes in giving the best chance of support to children through cultivating good behaviour, and providing financial aid and educational development.Greene said, “What we do is first look at their extended family to transfer them so they can feel comfortable with them.”However, the Director said, if there is no relative, foster care will substitute. And if no stable and suitable individual or family is willing to offer foster care, doors are open for the children in a residential care facility “but that’s the last resort.”If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence, you can contact the Child Care and Protection Agency on 227-4420