標題: Cheap China Jerseys GGMC

帖子 20002
註冊 2017-9-14
用戶註冊天數 2484
發表於 2018-5-1 11:58
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Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment Robert Persaud and senior officers of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) yesterday met with representatives of the Rupununi Miners’ Association to discuss mining and other related issues.At the meeting, general concerns were raised including efforts to end illegal mining in Marudi Mountain and access to mining properties by small miners in the location.It was agreed that the Association will support the activities of the GGMC to curb illegal mining; the Association will collaborate with the GGMC and the Guyana Police Force in the ongoing investigation of the police-supported operation at Marudi Mountain where allegations of police excesses; a Special Mining Lottery will be held on March 30,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, 2013 in Lethem for legitimate small miners/residents of Region Nine and the Association supports the ongoing review of Romanex Mining Licence for the Marudi Mountain.The GGMC was mandated by the Minister to continue to engage the association on issues of concern and explore ways of supporting legitimate mining activities.According to the miners, they are extremely pleased with the discussions which they said were long overdue.They indicated that while there have been agreements on some issues, others are still to be pronounced on by the ministry.Among these is a request that miners be allowed to complete all pits that were left unfinished in order to recover their investments.They are seeking answers about the new Mulgravian Ventures Inc.; whether they are the rightful owners of the concession.The miners requested that they be allowed to continue their alluvial mining and pay the company its 10 percent land shares.“Our miners’ situation presently is that we are in dire need of lands to work to meet our economic commitments. If we don’t get land to work,Cheap Jerseys Online, it will cause a serious negative impact on the communities in Region Nine because a lot of people in Region Nine are in some way directly or indirectly connected to mining in Marudi,NFL Jerseys From China,” a statement from the miners said.The miners had earlier dismissed as a blatant lie clams made by the GGMC that they have not declared the gold that they produced in the contentious area.“To date, not a single gram of gold has been declared by any of the operators and there are no records of production, which is a breach of the Mining Regulations. The Commission is of the view that all the minerals removed were illegally sold,Stitched Jerseys,” the GGMC had stated.But in a brief interview with this newspaper,China Jerseys Cheap, the miners claimed that they have proof of gold sales to buyers who are licenced by the GGMC as well as others affiliated to the Guyana Gold Board.The miners identified “Chrissy James and Dorothy James” as licenced buyers and they provided receipts to support their claims.They expressed surprise that the GGMC could have issued its statements without first ascertaining the facts.With respect to investigations into the much publicized beating by the police,wholesale jerseys, the miners were assured by Minister Persaud that the report will be made public.