標題: Cheap NFL Jerseys China health professionals

帖子 20002
註冊 2017-9-14
用戶註冊天數 2484
發表於 2018-4-28 05:33
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Guyana will join the rest of the world this evening to commemorate the 2010 International AIDS Candlelight Memorial.The Memorial will be held from 17:00 hrs in front of the St. George’s Cathedral in Georgetown.The International AIDS Candlelight Memorial is a programme of the Global Health Council and was the first public event for AIDS awareness (1983).This annual event is a commemoration of all the people- friends, colleagues, and loved ones— who have died from or have been affected by the scourge of AIDS.This year, the Memorial will be observed on Sunday, May 16, under the theme?”Many Lights for Human Rights.”The Memorial’s Advocacy Priorities are to reduce stigma and discrimination; to ensure universal access to prevention,Wholesale Baseball Jerseys 2018, treatment, and care; to increase resources for HIV and AIDS; and to promote greater involvement of affected and infected communities in the HIV response.This memorial is being hosted by the Society against Sexual Orientation Discrimination (SASOD).SASOD said that it hosting the first Guyana Vigil to bring together members of the community, policy makers,cheap nfl jerseys china, health professionals,Wholesale China Jerseys, religious leaders and members of the public to share messages of hope,China NBA Jerseys, to express sentiments in prose,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, poetry, dance and song,Cheap NHL Jerseys China, to light candles and to observe a moment of silence “for those lives we have lost to AIDS.”