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註冊 2017-9-14
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發表於 2018-4-27 13:11
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– Wants to monitor success of CHI firstThe Caribbean Heart Institute (CHI) in Georgetown says it will begin doing paediatric surgeries next year,Cheap NHL Adidas Jerseys, but local charity Kids First Fund is not ready to be a part of that process just yet.“CHI is going to be new at what they are doing in Guyana, so we would be watching with interest; we will still be dealing with India,” said former First Lady Varshnie Singh who runs Kids First Fund.She said her charity has taken 55 children and 16 adults to India for heart surgery, with only two losses since 2005,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, “so we have a very good record.”Singh stated that she had spoken to the Institute about doing paediatric surgeries in Georgetown instead of having to travel to India. But for now, she would like to look on.“We would like to watch on and see what the results are,” Singh said.She noted that the cases Kids First Fund deals with are complex cases, in which children are diagnosed at birth but some of them reach the stage of teenagers before they get help.“None of them are straightforward,Wholesale Jerseys China,” she said.? Singh explained that Kids First Fund has been taking children to India, because that nation has led the way in caring for complex cases.CHI said it could begin paediatric surgeries at its Georgetown Hospital location as early as January next year.Two weeks ago, a cardiologist from the Mount Sinai Hospital of New York, United States,Wholesale China Jerseys, was engaged in the screening of more than 20 paediatric patients who are likely to be operated on locally.However,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, all of the operations will be undertaken by a Cardiac Surgeon and his team from the Long Island Jewish Hospital of the United States.Chief Executive Officer of CHI, Dr Gary Stephens,NFL Jerseys China, told Kaieteur News that the list of candidates suitable for surgery will amount to about 50.