標題: Cheap Authentic Jerseys called ‘Biscuit’

帖子 20002
註冊 2017-9-14
用戶註冊天數 2484
發表於 2018-4-14 17:41
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Prison officials are probing the alleged beating to death of a 27-year-old remand inmate at the Georgetown Prison.Kunja Beharry,China NFL Jerseys, of Good Hope,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Mahaica,? was pronounced dead on arrival at the Georgetown Public Hospital around 10:00 hours yesterday.Sources at the hospital said that Beharry’s body was taken to the institution by Prison officers and then taken to the hospital’s mortuary.There are reports that the inmate, who was remanded on a simple larceny charge,holesale NFL Jerseys, was badly injured in an altercation with another prisoner at the Camp Street Prison.One relative told this newspaper that he received a telephone call from a Mahaica Police Station rank, who said Beharry was stabbed by another prisoner and subsequently died.Director of Prisons, Dale Erskine,nfl jerseys china, declined to comment and directed this newspaper to speak with officials from the Ministry of Home Affairs.According to relatives, Beharry and two others were arrested on Sunday in connection with the theft of a vehicle part from an auto dealer.They were taken to the Mahaica Magistrate’s Court on Thursday and charged with simple larceny.The Magistrate, Darshan Ramdan, placed the three accused on $175,000 bail each.However, Beharry was unable to post bail and was remanded to the Camp Street Prison.One relative said when Beharry left the Mahaica Police Station he complained of feeling unwell and claimed he was beaten by police ranks there.“When he lef’ he didn’t look too well…we ain’t really know is wha’ happen but we want answers,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale,” a relative said.It was just last month that high profile murder accused David Leander,Cheap Jerseys, called ‘Biscuit’, succumbed at the Georgetown Hospital after suddenly falling ill at the Camp Street jail.