標題: Discount Football Jerseys Clement Corlette–

帖子 20002
註冊 2017-9-14
用戶註冊天數 2484
發表於 2018-4-14 15:08
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Region Four Chairman, Clement Corlette– several contracts incomplete With just over two months remaining in the year, Region Four has used less than half of the moneys allocated by Central Government.As a matter of fact, it is more than clear now that there is an all-out attempt to suppress development in Region 4 (Demerara/Mahaica), and evidence of widespread intervention by government officials in the running of the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) affairs.This was the accusation made yesterday by Region Four Chairman, Clement Corlette who also indicated intentions to apprise his party, the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) of a number of critical issues.Among the most glaring cases, Corlette opines, is the upcoming 50th Annual National School Cycling, Swimming and Track and Field Championships 2010.He emphasized that Region Four is hosting the event this year, but Central Government is refusing to release funds to prepare the schools that will house athletes.Arbitrary“We at the RDC in conjunction with the National Planning Committee have approved schools for the use as the Games Village including Covent Garden Secondary and Primary, Providence Primary, Peter’s Hall Primary and Eccles Primary.”“To renovate and prepare the schools was quantified to cost $14.7M. Requests were made to Government Ministers, Shaik Baksh and Kellawan Lall, for financial assistance since Region 4 was not provided with allocated funds in the 2010 budget.Minister Baksh seemed to have ignored my letter to him dated 11th October, 2010,Cheap Jerseys USA, while (Minister) Kellawan Lall refused to support our request for funding,NFL Jerseys China Online,” Corlette told this newspaper.He accused the government of arbitrarily taking over the event.“The Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development and the Ministry of Education arbitrarily commandeered control of the final stages of planning and implementation of the agenda for the staging of the games to blunt Region 4 from exuding success and capacity. The Ministers of the Government used their leverage to stifle Region 4 of funds so as to move in and seize control over the final preparation for the games.”According to Corlette, in 2009, the games were held in Region 6, East Berbice, and from all information available, that Region was allowed to preside over all aspects of the preparation and execution of the games using funds from its budget.“The situation is ample evidence that Region 4 is under suffocating pressures all the time by the government. In Region 4, the Clerk/Regional Executive Officer and officers maintained a position that there are no funds available to finance the preparation for the hosting of the games, hence request was made to the Ministry of Finance for funds; but to no avail.”No ambulanceAnother issue that clearly showed more interference without regards to procedures had to do with the operations of the ambulance services on the East Coast of Demerara.“The health services on the East Coast Demerara are without an ambulance service for six weeks now. Motor ambulance PGG 3150 which was based at the Dr. C.C. Nicholson Cottage Hospital was found to be defective.”According to Corlette,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, the RDC’s statutory meeting on September 21 ordered the withdrawal of the ambulance from service due to serious mechanical defects including faulty brake system, electrical problems, non-functional lights and absence of equipment for emergency assistance.An ambulance from the East Bank Demerara was assigned to take over from the defective ambulance and to operate from the Dr. C.C. Nicholson Cottage Hospital.“To date, the Clerk/Regional Executive Officer has failed/refused to carry out the orders of the Council.So no ambulance is available to support our regional health services because of ministerial intervention.“Minister Kellawan Lall is reported to have instructed the Clerk/REO not to cause the withdrawal of the ambulance. The East Bank Demerara-based ambulance was parked for over two months – notwithstanding it is in good working order- due to the retirement of the substantive driver for having attained the age of 55.”Corlette also accused government officials of stepping in frequently and issuing orders without any contact with the region’s administration.“Apart from the ambulance issue, numerous reports have and are being received of frequent visits by the Ministry of Health Officials into regional hospitals and health centers in Region 4.On their visits, it has been alleged that they issue orders, countermand local supervising and management officials and set out their own systems and procedures much to the consternation of hapless, local regional health workers.”The Region 4 Chairman also alleged that the officials would assign and re-assign medical doctors at t