標題: Jerseys NFL Cheap the One Laptop Per Family

帖子 20002
註冊 2017-9-14
用戶註冊天數 2484
發表於 2018-5-16 03:59
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With a total of 28,000 laptops already in the hands of families in numerous communities countrywide,NFL Jerseys Outlet, the One Laptop Per Family (OLPF) Secretariat yesterday commenced the rolling out of a massive distribution exercise, targeting Region Four-Demerara/Mahaica. This will see, over the next few weeks, a total of 6,000 laptops being placed in the hands of recipients from the East Coast, East Bank and Georgetown.Yesterday, several teams from the OLPF Secretariat fanned-out across the region, and distributed over 1,500 laptops at several locations. On the East Coast, at the All Star Sports Club, Supply, Mahaica, 78 laptops were distributed to recipients of Supply and Strathavon, while at Chowbay’s residence, Helena, another team distributed 257 of the devices.In Georgetown, at the Sophia Exhibition Centre, 280 laptops were distributed to residents of Sophia, 170, at an exercise at the Hebrew Family of Guyana in North Ruimveldt to residents of South Ruimveldt Park, Lamaha Springs and Festival City, while 139 were presented at the Guyana Islamic Trust building in Albouystown to residents of Albouystown, Laing Avenue, Yarrow Dam, Riverview, Ruimveldt and Alexander Village.PPP Member of Parliament Manzoor Nadir was in attendance at the exercise in Albouystown. He spoke to recipients about the genesis of the OLPF initiative, and the importance of the exercise, which he explained is for the social, economic and personal development of the recipients.“This piece of equipment that we have given out ought to bring to all of us opportunities; this is not about $60,000 the Government is giving you, this is about opportunities. This instrument that you are getting today is an important tool in you and your family’s development,” he said.The PPPC Government will be spending a huge sum to make the Guyanese people among the most computer literate in the world, as part of a strategy of ensuring that every citizen is fully equipped to take advantage of opportunities brought about by Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) that are currently driving the world.Nadir also explained that while the first 27,China NFL Jerseys,000 laptops that were distributed at the cost of over US$7M to the Government,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, this batch forms part of 33,000 that was covered under a grant from the Government of China.He said that government could have used this grant for a number of other initiatives, but recognised the need to create the opportunity for Guyana’s children, and families to be educated in the use of such a device that drives the world.“…this One Laptop Programme is at tremendous sacrifice to people, because every dollar we spend on this programme could have been spent to do something else,” Nadir said as he urged that they care the laptops.He also advised the recipients that training in the use of the equipment is mandatory,Soccer Jerseys China, and should the recipient not be able to attend all the training sessions; a family member must seek to do so.PPPC MP Indra Chandarpal also spoke to the recipients at the exercise in Supply Mahaica.At some of the distribution centres, recipients also benefited from the beginning of their mandatory ten-hour training; a condition attached to receiving complete ownership of the device.At other locations,Wholesale NHL Jerseys, recipients were only instructed on the basics, such as starting and shutting down the device, as well as on care and maintenance. These recipients however, registered to commence their training, which is scheduled to begin this week.Government in 2011 among other initiatives launched the flagship OLPF programme. Pioneered by former President Bharrat Jagdeo, the programme’s goal is to place in the hands of 90,000 families a laptop, to provide, training in the equipment and free internet access to use the laptop.Come September,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Government will complete installing infrastructure networks inclusive of fibre optic cables that will realise this free internet access, along with? high speed delivery of e-Government content to all inclusive of the laptop recipients.A command of the use of ICT by all citizens has the potential to facilitate dramatic increases in social and economic welfare, and to catalyse major transformative changes in Guyana.The OLPF Secretariat will continue its Region Four distribution exercise tomorrow. Residents of Campbellville and Lodge are among those that will benefit from that distribution exercise. (GINA)