標題: Jerseys Wholesale Winston Patterson

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註冊 2017-9-14
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發表於 2018-5-15 04:25
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Days after fraud accused, Carvil Duncan, alleged that he was offered monies by top Government officials to step down from a number of constitutional bodies, he has been ordered suspended.Duncan, a prominent trade unionist and a voice in the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), is currently facing investigations by a President-appointed tribunal to determine whether he is fit to sit as Chairman of the Public Service Commission (PSC).With regards to the suspensions, according to the Ministry of the Presidency yesterday, President David Granger, acting in accordance with Article 225 (6) of the Constitution of Guyana, has suspended Duncan from the Chairmanship of the PSC with immediate effect, pending the outcome of the proceedings of the tribunal.The tribunal, which comprises Justice Roxanne George-Wiltshire, Justice (retd) Winston Patterson, and Attorney-at-Law, Robert Ramcharran,Wholesale Jerseys Online, is expected to present the report to the President on or before Monday, October 31, 2016.“In a letter dated October 10, 2016, the Head of State informed Mr. Duncan that in addition to his role as PSC Chairman, he is also suspended from performing the Constitutional functions as ex-officio member of the Judicial Service Commission, the Police Service Commission and other functions as ex-officio member of the Commissions of the Board of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF),” the Ministry of the Presidency said in its statement yesterday.The ministry quoted Article 225 (6) of the Constitution which states that, “If the question of removing the officer from office has been referred to a tribunal under this article,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the President, acting in accordance with the advice of the prescribed authority, may suspend the officer from performing the functions of his office, and any such suspension may at any time be revoked by the President, acting in accordance with such advice as aforesaid,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, and shall in any case cease to have effect if the tribunal recommends to the President that the officer should not be removed from office.”This week, Duncan reportedly challenged the legality of the tribunal,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, saying through his lawyers, Anil Nandlall and Satesh Satram that he will move to the courts.On September 15, last,Cheap NFL Jerseys, President Granger in accordance with Article 225 (4) of the Constitution, appointed the tribunal to inquire, investigate and recommend whether Duncan ought to be removed from office for inability to discharge the functions of his Constitutional posts.Prior to that, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo had written Duncan calling on him to explain why a tribunal should not be appointed but this letter went unanswered.Duncan reportedly claimed he did not receive any letter.“However, the tribunal is in receipt of evidence that the Prime Minister’s letter was delivered by the Guyana Post Office Corporation,” the Ministry of the Presidency countered.On Saturday,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Duncan alleged that he was offered a “financial package” in exchange for his resignation.Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, categorically denied the claims by Duncan that he was offered monies by the Minister of State or by President Granger.“In fact, both the President and Minister Harmon had met with Mr. Duncan in an effort to have him voluntarily vacate the Constitutional positions he holds, since it is undesirable for someone who is facing criminal charges to hold those positions,” the ministry said in its defence of the meeting with Duncan.The trade unionist is currently before the court on fraud charges after it was discovered by auditors that he paid himself approximately $1M and allegedly conspired with Deputy Chief Executive Officer (DCEO) of the Guyana Power and Light, Aeshwar Deonarine, for an unapproved transfer of approximately $27M into the latter’s personal account.The Public Service Commission is a critical body that oversees the hiring of public servants.The Granger administration has unveiled major plans to upgrade the public service, including more training.