標題: Cheap Jerseys Rafick Baksh

帖子 20002
註冊 2017-9-14
用戶註冊天數 2484
發表於 2018-5-14 00:59
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Eight defendants are charged in a 10-count Indictment in connection with an alleged mortgage fraud scheme involving over $23 million of fraudulently obtained loans from lenders through a mortgage brokerage called GuyAmerican Funding Corp. in Queens,Wholesale Baseball Jerseys 2018, New York.Three of the defendants, Peggy Persaud, Orette Killikelly, and George Esso, were loan officers at GuyAmerican. Peggy Persaud,Cheap Jerseys, as a manager of a branch office of GuyAmerican, reportedly received hundreds of thousands of dollars in commissions based on fraudulent loans submitted to lenders.According to the Indictment, three of the defendants charged in the scheme, Elton Lord, Rafick Baksh, and Mahmood Hussain, worked with GuyAmerican loan officers to recruit distressed sellers and straw buyers, flipping properties multiple times between different straw buyers, and stripping the equity from those properties as they were resold with inflated market values.For example, a property purchased by a straw buyer in December 2006 in Queens, New York, for $355,000 was resold to another straw buyer in April 2007 — only four months later — for $680,000, to the benefit of the co-conspirators in the scheme.In addition,Cheap Jerseys Online, the defendants often arranged for a single straw buyer to purchase multiple properties within days or weeks of each other, without disclosing the prior purchases on the subsequent loan applications.The loans submitted to the lenders allegedly contained numerous false statements about the straw buyers who often had little or no assets and modest or no incomes.Thus, the loans contained false statements about the borrowers’ employment,NFL Jerseys China, income, assets and exiting debt.In addition, the loan applications purportedly falsely represented that the straw buyers intended to reside in the properties,Cheap Jerseys Online, when they did not.Two lawyers,Cheap Jerseys, Cheddi Goberdhan and Ravi Persaud, who acted as the closing attorneys for most of the transactions and facilitated the fraud by allegedly disbursing illicit payments to co-conspirators, were also charged.