標題: Cheap NFL Jerseys China Nadira Ramnauth

帖子 20002
註冊 2017-9-14
用戶註冊天數 2484
發表於 2018-5-17 07:20
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Shawn Richards,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, of Lot 62 Third Street Agricola, East Bank Demerara,China NFL Jerseys, appeared in court accused of unlawfully assaulting his wife,NFL Jerseys Outlet, Nadira Ramnauth, because he had insisted that the woman stop working.This allegedly happened on July 8 at Cowan Street,NFL Jerseys China, Kingston, where he unlawfully and maliciously assaulted Ramnauth. He pleaded not guilty.According to Ramnauth,Cheap NHL Jerseys, she was supposed to stop working at a city hotel because of the late hours that she had to work. The wife said she initially complied but soon returned to her old job and this angered the husband.She said that an argument ensued between the two and she left to visit a neighbour. The same neighbour informed her that she had seen her husband hiding with a cutlass. The woman said that after that incident she moved out of the house and reported the matter to the Ruimveldt Police Station.As a result of the beating,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, she sustained injuries to her shoulder and numerous bruises about the body.Richards refuted his wife’s allegations and told the court that he had seen his wife at her new place of work and asked her to come home.The woman interjected and stated that her husband had called and threatened her about taking the couple’s daughter away from her if she does not return home.Richards was refused bail and the accused is expected to return to court on July 17.