標題: Cheap NFL Jerseys Store

帖子 20002
註冊 2017-9-14
用戶註冊天數 2484
發表於 2018-5-23 07:26
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Scores of residents from Nabaclis and surrounding communities on the East Coast of Demerara, on Saturday benefited from medical services offered at a health fair sponsored by the Dr. CC Nicholson Hospital and the Ministry of Health.Services such as eye care, diabetic foot care, vaccination, blood pressure,NFL Jerseys China, blood sugar,Wholesale Jerseys, Visual Inspection with Ascetic Acid screening (VIA) and HIV testing were offered free of cost to the residents.Speaking with this publication,Wholesale Basketball Jerseys, Dr. Ameeka Breedy,MLB Jerseys From China, the physician attached to the Dr. CC Nicholson Hospital said that this initiative was undertaken with the aim of promoting the services that are available at the hospital.She added that these services are free of cost and are available to the public at their convenience. Dr. Breedy said the hospital is now equipped to handle deliveries, with the establishment of a nine-bed ward, however she added that the more complex deliveries will be referred to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation since they are not equipped to handle those cases.Persons were also given the opportunity to donate blood through the presence of the staff from the National Blood Transfusion Service.Dr. Breedy noted that the response from the public towards donating blood was well received, hence she is looking at the possibility of hosting a blood drive soon at the hospital.The health fair was held under the theme “self management equals health management”.Meanwhile females would be given the opportunity to receive (VIA) screening by the end of July at the Nabaclis medical institution.Dr. Breedy said that the hospital has decided to make this service available since a vast amount of women who visit the hospital have been expressing their interest in the VIA screening.Dr. Breedy added that the VIA screening, once introduced at the hospital. will be done twice per month.The visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) was introduced to in 2007 and ensures early detection and treatment for cervical cancer.Since then 25 sites have been established at various health institutions throughout the country since Guyana has a high percentage of cases. VIA screening is recommended for any woman who is sexually active.Emphasis is placed on a single visit approach where women are screened, diagnosed and treated for cervical cancer in one visit.The prevalence of HIV/AIDs in women in developing countries makes the need for national screening programs more urgent. The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), the leading cause of cervical cancer, is more aggressive in HIV-infected women because their immune system is weakened and they can’t fight it.About 288,000 women a year die from cervical cancer,Jerseys From China, according to the World Health Organisation.Most live in the developing world. With cervical cancer,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, early screening is the ounce of prevention that can cure.The Dr. CC Nicholson Hospital was established in 2000 and is currently functioning under the leadership of Dr. Ameeka Breedy along with 17 other medical staff.