標題: Cheap World Cup Jerseys 2018 Clement Rohee

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註冊 2017-9-14
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Elaborate astrology scam busted…By Leonard Gildarie and Dale AndrewsThe Ministry of Home Affairs has reportedly ordered police to arrest several Indian nationals after they allegedly scammed several Guyanese into believing they possessed mystical powers capable of solving problems.The men, who described themselves as India’s Most Famous Astrologer, Pandits and other such fancy sounding titles, have all disappeared.It is believed that within a seven-week period, they raked in millions of dollars.Police are specifically looking for one at David Street, Kitty.Police are said to be searching for this Indian national who allegedly scammed hundreds of thousands of dollars from unsuspecting Guyanese.Emerging evidence suggests that the “pandit” had at least four other accomplices, also Indians, who operated on the East Coast, East Bank and West Bank Demerara. Police are also looking for them. It is now believed that the men arrived together on three-month visas and went their separate ways.VanishedChecks at an exclusive residential area at Ruimzeight yesterday found that the “pandit” there hurriedly left Saturday without paying his rent.According to a businessman who operated a home close to an Ashram, almost seven weeks ago, an Indian national rented his place for $40,000 per month.“He did not tell me what he wanted to do. Another Indian came and I refused to rent him another place.”The Ruimzeight residence saw a steady stream of visitors with many persons coming with all kinds of problems including sickness,Wholesale Jerseys USA, domestic and money problems.On Saturday, hours after Kaieteur News had visited the David Street, Kitty operations, the Ruimzeight businessman said that he received a call from his tenant who indicated that he had an emergency in India and had to leave. There was still rent owing.A few miles away at a Chinese restaurant in Vreed-en-Hoop, another “pandit” who moved into the upstairs Saturday left suddenly over the weekend for Berbice. It was unclear when he would be returning.While there,Cheap Jerseys Online, Kaieteur News staffers saw one,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, obviously sick woman who came to visit the “pandit” but was met with the padlocked doors.One of the At Bagotstown, another “pandit” was not available and there was “no idea when he would be back”.An alleged victim yesterday claimed that he visited the Bagotstown “pandit” after his wife left him and went overseas.“I tell he I want her back. He tell me to pay $35,000 and he will do a puja and she will come back in three days. I tell he to do the puja and I will pay him $100,000.”At David Street, religious flowers and other decorations adorning the doorway to the pandit’s office/home had been taken down and calls to phones went unanswered.And an official of the Indian High Commission, when questioned yesterday, said that the Commission is not notified when Indians visit Guyana since the only contact would come when there are requests to renew passports or other immigration issues.FraudstersSpeaking with this newspaper yesterday Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee, said that the police have been actively pursuing the fraudsters who he confirmed were not granted work permits.“We have an exercise to round them up because they are in breach of our laws. We have been tracking them down based on the addresses they advertise,” the minister told Kaieteur News.One of the Indian nationals, who has since disappeared, moved in above this Chinese restaurant in Vreed-en-Hoop on Saturday then disappeared. His ads were running in one of the daily newspapers. In picture, are some women who came to meet him but met with padlocked gates.According to Rohee,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, there is a widespread view that the activities of these persons are merely economical.“It’s a sham. If these people could tell the future then they do not need to work. They could get enrichment by seeing what is in store for themselves. Let them read their own palms and predict what they need to do to enrich themselves,” the Home Affairs Minister stated.UndercoverLast Friday, Kaieteur News’ staffers went undercover to the David Street operations after several complaints were received that huge sums of money were taken by the so-called astrologer who then failed to deliver on promises to solve their problems.The “pandit” told the Kaieteur News reporter and his co-worker, who posed as his wife, that a former wife had worked “black magic” over their photos and this was the reason why they were not getting any children.He requested US$225 to perform a puja and guaranteed pregnancy in one month.The “astrologer”, taking the left hand of the “wife” disclosed that her future looked bright, with good possibilities after marriage.After being told that there wer