標題: Cheap Jerseys Authentic Seepaul Narine

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註冊 2017-9-14
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發表於 2018-4-15 16:04
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– GAWU taking matter higherManagement of the Skeldon sugar factory is not backing down from decisions taken earlier this week to dismiss four factory workers for a fire at the facility earlier this month.This much was conveyed to the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers’ Union (GAWU), one of the workers’ unions, at a meeting yesterday.Skeldon sugar factory workers,Wholesale Jerseys USA, after a two-day strike,Cheap Jerseys, had agreed to return to work for the Thursday night shift, but vowed to keep up the pressure to have the estate reinstate the four workers, among them a Shift Manager and a fireman.Yesterday,Cheap NFL Jerseys Store, GAWU’s General Secretary, Seepaul Narine, said that with management standing by its decision to dismiss the four staffers, his union would now have to move to the next step, which will be writing the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo), formally appealing the decisions and also requesting to meet to discuss it.According to the Corporation, on Saturday August 7, a fire in the Skeldon factory resulted in extensive damage to the bagasse conveyor belt.GuySuCo, in pointing out that the incident occurred on the same day the estate was slated to commence its second crop production for the year, disclosed that based on the extent of the damage, it is clear that the blaze actually started much earlier than the time it was first reported -three hours earlier.“A full investigation was conducted which revealed that the incident resulted because of gross negligence, caused extensive damage where remedial work will cost millions of dollars, coupled with the loss of three days’ production.”Following the investigation, GuySuCo said it took disciplinary action against employees, both managerial and non-managerial.Calling for the workers to return to work with harvesting under full swing, the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) had said that gross negligence resulted in the fire not being detected early,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and it is estimated that millions of dollars will now have to be spent to repair the damage.A total of nine employees were disciplined over the fire and there are questions now as to how staffers who were supposed to be on duty did not see the flames until hours later.In addition to two senior employees being interdicted from duty, GuySuCo said another two junior workers were disciplined – one dismissed and the other suspended. Two non-managerial employees were also suspended, with three of them dismissed.GuySuCo, in a statement, said the strike action by the factory workers was at a most inopportune time, when there is a very large crop – 480,000 tonnes of cane – to be harvested “which has already been affected by poor weather and a 2nd crop production target of 34,000 tonnes of sugar for the Skeldon factory.”Some 650 punts of cane were processed on Wednesday night by a skeleton staff,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, comprising mainly senior factory staffers, in an attempt to save it.GuySuCo would have lost more than $40M if the harvested cane had not been crushed, Chief Executive Officer, Paul Bhim, said Thursday.With the sugar industry still in a precarious state because of low prices and poor production, already GuySuCo has revised its target for the year from 280,000 tonnes of sugar to just over 260,000 tonnes.10 lucky customers receive laptops from Western Union  Five of the winners display their prizes in the presence of GKRS’ Marketing Manager Natheeah King (third from right).Ten lucky persons walked away with laptop computers from Western Union, Water Street branch, yesterday.According to Natheeah King,Authentic NHL Jerseys, Marketing Manager of Grace Kennedy Remittance Services, individuals who used their Western Union customer cards twice between 1 July 2010 to 14 August 2010 in receiving or sending transactions, were automatically entitled to enter the promotion to win one of the 10 computers.The winners of the promotion are; Odessa Wilson from 3-mile Essequibo, Desiree Narine of Freeman Street, East La Penitence, Terlain Mc Farlane of Kwakwani Park; Courtney Atherley of 516 Kiskadee Drive; Kevon Troz of Bartica; Wayne Fung-A-Fat of South Ruimveldt; Pamela Sobers of Guyhoc Park; Trevor Daily of 233 Camp Steet; Dexter Arthur of Aubrey Barker Road, and Krishnawattie Mangra of Richmond Essequibo.