標題: Cheap NFL Jerseys China but in the beginning

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…GT&T to respond on TuesdayDigicel Guyana yesterday called on the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GT&T) to open up text messaging between Digicel and GT&T networks in time for Christmas.Digicel CEO Gregory Dean,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, in a release to the media, said that, “Despite the public statements from Gene Evelyn, GT&T has not moved quickly on the matter of text messages between Digicel and GT&T mobile phone users.”According to Digicel,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, its records confirm that a revised contract was sent to GT&T on September 5 last, and that a response with proposed changes was received on November 14.The changes requested by GT&T were incorporated into a new draft along with additions from Digicel and then returned to GT&T on November 24.GT&T then indicated that the earliest that it could complete a review and seek to have the contract signed in order to implement the service would be January, and Digicel suggested that the contract could be settled at the moment with an agreement to launch the service at a set date in January.Gregory Dean confirmed statements made this week by GT&T Rate Making Director Gene Evelyn that all tests were completed and that the service could be activated at any time an agreement is reached.Gregory Dean said that, “Consumers on both networks are demanding to be able to send text messages back and forth between Digicel mobile phones and GT&T mobile phones, and this should be provided without delay.”Dean added that,Cheap Jerseys NFL China, “With all of the technical tests completed and just paper work to be done, there is no reason why the companies could not give this to customers for Christmas”When contacted for a comment yesterday, Evelyn said that he would be in communication with Digicel next Tuesday.On Tuesday last,Jerseys NFL Cheap, Evelyn told this newspaper that the legal team, engineers and hierarchy at GT&T are currently analyzing the final draft of the interconnection of GT&T and Digicel with regards to Short Messaging Services (SMS).The general definition of SMS is the transmission of short text messages to and from a mobile phone, fax machine and/or Internet Protocol (IP) address.According to GT&T Director (Rate Making), Gene Evelyn,NFL Jerseys China, the negotiations have been ongoing for a number of years, but in the beginning, Digicel was asking for too much to be included under the definition of SMS.He pointed out that all of the tests have been conducted,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, and as soon as GT&T has cleared the current draft agreement as acceptable the service will be implemented, meaning that GT&T subscribers will be able to send text messages to Digicel subscribers and vice versa.