標題: cheap nfl jerseys online gz0d4pas

帖子 20002
註冊 2017-9-14
用戶註冊天數 2484
發表於 2018-5-26 08:17
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A 20-year-old garbage collector in Berbice has pleaded guilty to performing an indecent act on a dead body after he allegedly exhumed the corpse of an elderly woman and had sex with it.Roopram Bacchus appeared before a Judge on Friday and testified that he had a drinking problem. The Judge ordered a psychiatric evaluation and fined him. He faces a year in prison if he is unable to pay the fine.Police Divisional Commander,Cheap NFL Jerseys Online, Steve Merai said yesterday that Bacchus dug up the body of a 75-year-old woman a day after relatives buried her in a cemetery in early March.Merai said Bacchus broke into the coffin,Cheap Jerseys From China, removed the corpse and had intercourse with it.He said Bacchus and the family were neighbours.