標題: NFL Jerseys China S Workshop held at Cara Lodge

帖子 20002
註冊 2017-9-14
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發表於 2018-4-27 09:08
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One of the important measures for Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) surrounds the use of medicine and commodities, and according to Health Minister Dr. Leslie Ramsammy,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, one aspect is the use of injectables.The Minister,Authentic Jerseys From China, on Tuesday last, disclosed that based on a study conducted locally between the period 2005 and 2007, there was approximately 50 per cent overuse of injectables.His disclosure came during the opening segment of a three-day OH&S Workshop held at Cara Lodge, Quamina Street,Cheap World Cup Jerseys, Georgetown. The workshop, which is slated to conclude today, was planned by the Pan American Health Organisation in collaboration with the Ministry of Health.The Minister told the participants that it is not Guyana alone that has engaged in the overuse of injectables. “Over the last two months I have reviewed 861 studies from around the world that consistently, without any deviation,NFL Jerseys Clearance, demonstrated, whether in developed or developing countries,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, overuse of injections in some cases by more than 50 per cent.” And the use of these injectables,Adidas Hockey Jerseys Cheap, the Minister said, falls under the realm of the rational use of medicine and that of OH&S.“The more injectables we use the greater the health risk we pose and the greater the potential for an adverse event,” the Minister warned.And also, in light of the study that was conducted locally, Minister Ramsammy revealed that patients both in the public and private sector who were on insulin were given enough to last for a specific period, but were given one syringe. And this revelation, the Minister said, suggest that there is not a proper culture of OH&S in this country.He said that the Ministry is now developing policies and clinical guidelines for the use of injectables. He pointed out that if the move to inculcate a culture of OH&S is to be realised there is need to develop literacy around the concept.According to Acting PAHO/WHO Representative, Dr Luis Seoane, the workshop is intended to provide participants with very useful information and training on aspects relating to health and safety as health care workers.In recognition of the importance of these health professionals, Dr Seoane related that in 2006 the WHO labelled health care workers as the most valuable resource for health, and declared 2006 to 2015 the decade of human resources for health.She emphasised that at the end of the workshop, participants will be empowered to take the necessary actions to effectively improve and safeguard their health and safety on the job.