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註冊 2017-9-14
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發表於 2018-4-28 04:49
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“Working with students is very rewarding not because you can see their end result but you are learning too. They teach you so much, so you can keep learning all the time too…That is what is so fascinating about teaching.”By Sharmain Grainger For those who barely know her, Paulette Ragobeer,Cheap Jerseys Online, is a soft spoken lady who currently earns her living asImpactful Educator, Paulette Elene Ragobeera Biology lecturer at the University of Guyana (UG). However, the many who can profess to know this woman would readily tell you, that not only is she is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to the delivery of education, but they might even describe her as the type of human being who never surrenders; not even in the face of the most daunting of challenges.But there is a method to her endurance which you will learn of in this concise but very informative chronicle of her life which focuses mainly on her decades of educating students in different places and at varying levels.Paulette Elene Yaw of Beterverwagting? East Coast of Demerara was born on March 21, 1957,Cheap Soccer Jerseys For Sale, to parents, Louis and Ena Yaw. She is the third of eight siblings.Her education was first at the Beterverwagting Government School and then the St Mary Virgin Anglican School.At the latter institution she was able to sit the school leaving examination which gained her a place at The Bishops’ High School.After spending seven years at high school where she excelled, particularly in the sciences, the young Paulette graduated in 1975 and immediately landed a job at a prestigious bank – the then Royal Bank of Canada.Although she would have ideally preferred to further her studies at a university on completion of high school, that just wasn’t possible since the sizeable Yaw family simply couldn’t afford it at the time. Her father was a postmaster and her mother a homemaker, and while there was enough money to caterGetting ready to administer an examination to her Biology students at UGto the family’s necessities there wasn’t too much extra.This therefore meant that Paulette had to find the finances to advance herself academically.The bank job was therefore ideal for her since she believed then that a job in banking was far more lucrative than working in the other sectors.? “I thought that I could even help support the home and also save some money so that I can study later. I was looking at the financial aspect,” she related during an interview with this publication.But according to her, duties that saw her attending to the counter in the Savings Department and later entering data in the Current Accounts Department was not all that exciting.? “I was bored! The reason I was bored in banking is because it didn’t allow me to process information in a way that I liked. It didn’t afford me the challenges that I thrive on…I was basically doing the same thing every day and even though you got to meet people every day, it just was not challenging enough for me,” she recounted.One year later Ragobeer recounted that she opted to leave the banking system altogether but made it clear that “I am not saying that banking does not involve any kind of thinking, norIn the company of her colleagues at the Rockwall Christian Academy in Texas.am I saying that banking is not challenging, but for me it did not provide enough of a challenge. I stayed at the bank for one year and it was like one year too long.”Her desire even as a young girl was to be involved in a field that allowed her to use her creative abilities. In fact she was desperate for something that would give her the freedom to “think outside of the box.”Some might say it was her destiny but it wasn’t too long after resigning from the banking sector that she became enthralled with the teaching profession and was soon applying to become a teacher herself. Her first teaching assignment was at the Bladen Hall, East Coast Demerara,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, and Multilateral School. She was just a girl of 19 but even then was sure that teaching was the way to go.“I loved it. I taught Science – Chemistry, some Integrated Science and I think biology too but I loved it,Cheap NFL Jerseys China,” said Ragobeer of her early teaching days. With a smirk on her face she offered “I guess that is what I am wired for.”But it was no small task to teach at a school that wasn’t remotely among the top performingA photo opportunity with outstanding students and the Faculty of the New Guyana Schoolschools of the country. An advantage however was the fact that the school’s laboratory was well equipped allowing for easy facilitation of experiments, Ragobeer disclosed.And so she was only too willing to share her knowledge with her students, especially those who to most people didn’t stand a chan