標題: NFL Jerseys Store GPSU

帖子 20002
註冊 2017-9-14
用戶註冊天數 2484
發表於 2018-5-3 07:32
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Almost three weeks into the New Year and the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) is still trying to sort out what next must be done to fight the government-imposed five percent wage increase that public servants received for 2013. The union’s First Vice President, Mortimer Livan, told Kaieteur News yesterday that they are still conducting a fan out of associated members nationwide to ascertain through consensus, what will be the next step toward addressing annualGPSU workers picketed over 10 years of imposed wage increases.government- imposed increases.Livan told Kaieteur News that the union is still in discussions since they feel that talks must be held with its members in order to move forward strategically. He pointed out that representatives in places such as Georgetown,Authentic NFL Jerseys Cheap, Berbice, Essequibo,China Jerseys, Linden etc. are being updated as to the developments involving the union, and the union is in turn taking in feedback.The union, toward the end of last year,Wholesale Jerseys 2018, took a firm stand to demonstrate against the imposed wage increase,Jerseys From China, indicating that the act by the government has become an annual trend. Several lunch time protests were held and later increased with some public workers abandoning their posts and holding hours-long demonstrations outside state entities.City wide protests were scheduled for the close of last year, but did not meet expectations as city dwellers geared for the holiday season. The union had given government a two-week ultimatum which led to the start of protest action; but even that did not encourage the Administration to increase the wages.Without the constitutionally collective bargaining agreement being acknowledged, the union again promised to commence protest action at the start of this year; but that is yet to materialize because of the claimed “fan out exercise.”The government has however maintained that they are in no position to pay more than the imposed five percent. This has long been the government’s position on the issue, yet talks to discuss their (government) financial position with the union are being disregarded, union President Patrick Yarde stated.Yarde had told the media repeatedly that consultations over public workers increase are regularly shunned,Cheap Jerseys Outlet, while wage increases,Cheap Wholesale Jerseys, for the last 10 years is being imposed on workers.The combined Opposition had however stated that Parliament had signed off on enough money that could see public workers receiving more than five percent. They have stated also that a large part of the money identified for public workers over the years has not been used by the government and thus asked for a paper trail or rather, an in-depth explanation as to what was done with the money. It was further stated that the Finance Minister’s explanation; that the funds were used to hire new staff and increase wages for promoted staff did not relate with procedure.Alliance for Change Leader Khemraj Ramjattan had told this publication in an earlier report that monies for promotions and added staff came under a separate amount for public workers, while wage increases were already catered for.Both the AFC and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) have stated that a closer watch will be kept on that aspect of this year’s budget and noted that hard questions will be asked about the money that was, and is being designated for public servants.