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註冊 2017-9-14
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發表於 2018-5-6 03:51
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Four of five American residents who were nabbed with cocaine last Friday were yesterday remanded to jail while the alleged mastermind was placed on $2M bail.The four persons were slapped with separate charges of narcotic possession for trafficking, while the fifth accused was charged with procuring the said four to engage in the illegal act.Dawn SulkanAt the Providence Magistrate’s Court, Magistrate Lesley Sobers heard that on October 12, Gregory Hinds, 20, had 745 grams of cocaine for trafficking; Adrian Roberts,28, had 675 grams cocaine for the same purpose, so did Melissa Geriera,wholesale jerseys china, 25, who had 490 grams; and Taniqua Johnson, 19, who had 365 grams of cocaine.Fifty- six year-old Dawn Sulkan, a nurse of Brooklyn New York was called on to answer the charge that on Friday October 12,China Adidas Hockey Jerseys, last, she procured the four accused to engage in the trafficking of narcotics. She reportedly gave them one kilogram and 600 grams of cocaine to smuggle out of the country via the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA).Hinds was represented by Attorney Neil Boston, who opted to bypass a bail application given the circumstances of his clients’ arrest and appealed for an early trial date. He said that his client is Guyanese but resides in Jamaica, Queens,jerseys nfl wholesale, New York. Hinds was asked to return to court October 29, before being remanded.Roberts also resides in Queens New York. He was represented by Attorney-at-law Mark Waldron who said that his client had visited Guyana for a family wedding and was returning to New York. According to the attorney, Roberts is a diabetic and regularly needs his medication.Apart from that, the lawyer explained that his client wished to make a personal address to the Court. The Magistrate allowed it and Roberts spoke of a plea bargain. He said he was willing to offer certain information if his matter ended favourably for himself. The accused was directed to the Director of Public Prosecution on that matter before getting November 5 to return to court for his trial.Geriera and Johnson had the services of Lawyer George Thomas. Geriera of Queens,Cheap Jerseys Online, New York was said to be a nursing assistant while Johnson of Brooklyn,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, NY, attends the Dheoor Campus in Manhattan NY. For both females, Thomas said the women were tricked into signing documents by police ranks who promised the women plea bargains.According to Thomas it is only the DPP who has that authority and it was as a result of trickery that the police obtained certain information from the accused.He said that such methods by the ranks would affect the statements the women gave, placing them in a compromising position.? The court acknowledged the lawyer’s information and gave November 7 and November 9 for Geriera and Johnson to return respectively.Attorney Adrian Thompson represented Sulkan. He presented to the court that his client should be admitted bail since, as he was instructed, she was found with nothing on her person. Thompson said that it is only the allegation of the other accused that has caused his client to become involved.The lawyer said anyone could make an allegation and as such he would be going to the High Court to obtain bail. The Magistrate however advised Thompson that would not be necessary since bail would be given in the sum of $2M. Thompson later asked for a reduction in the sum by half, but the Court alluded to past experience where persons had posted bail and never returned to court.He said that the sum should be enough to ensure that Sulkan returns to court on November 20.According to reports,China Jerseys, the four accused were en-route to America via a Delta flight when they were pulled in for a routine search. That search allegedly unearthed cocaine in the underwear of all the accused. They in turn pointed out Sulkan as the one who reportedly recruited them for transporting the drugs.