標題: Stitched Jerseys ATV

帖子 20002
註冊 2017-9-14
用戶註冊天數 2482
發表於 2018-6-7 03:41
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A Brazilian national is currently nursing a wound in the left leg after he was shot during a robbery in Arimu Backdam,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, Cuyuni River.Reports are that 56-year-old Osmar Oliveira Da Silva was attacked by two men who were armed with handguns woman and two women sometime around 02:00 hours yesterday.This newspaper understands that Da Silva was at his mining camp with a compatriot when he was attacked.According to reports,Cheap Jerseys From China, one of the male bandits relieved Da Silva of his All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) before shooting him in the left leg,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, before the attackers escaped. The injured man was rescued and rushed to a nearby health centre but was subsequently air dashed to the city for further treatment since the bullet was still lodged in his leg.Up to press time yesterday,NFL Jerseys China, Da Silva was still being treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital.