標題: Wholesale Football Jerseys Quacy Bharrat

帖子 20002
註冊 2017-9-14
用戶註冊天數 2484
發表於 2018-6-2 22:22
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Quacy Bharrat,Jerseys From China, 34, of? 658 East Ruimveldt Housing Scheme, the owner of the pitbull dogs that? attacked 54-year-old Patrick Gordon, of 610 East Ruimveldt, Georgetown,Cheap Jerseys Online, was yesterday placed on $40,000 bail after he appeared before Magistrate Priya Beharry to answer the charge of allowing ferocious dogs to be at large.The allegation was that on August 23, last, at East Ruimveldt, Bharrat being the owner of a ferocious dog, caused it to be at large, causing Patrick Gordon to receive severe injuries to his face,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, neck and hands.Police Prosecutor Lionel Harvey told the court that on the day in question, around 03:00hrs,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, Gordon was going home when the animals attacked him.Harvey further explained that after the incident happened a report was made and an investigation was launched.According to the prosecutor, after the attack, Gordon was unable to speak properly and was hospitalised for a number of days.Bharrat is expected to make his second court appearance on November 8.Gordon had told Kaieteur News that he was heading home when he was attacked by the dogs.The man said that he was rescued by residents who assisted in getting him to the Georgetown Public Hospital to seek medical attention.Gordon claimed that the dog’s owner had promised to compensate him for the injuries he suffered but that promise never materialised. Since the attack, numerous persons have called for the legislation to be amended so that stiffer penalties are given to dog owners.As it is right now,Cheap NFL Football Jerseys, the owners are fined or made to serve a short sentence,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, that’s if they are found guilty.