標題: Jerseys NFL Cheap -former pump attendant

帖子 20002
註冊 2017-9-14
用戶註冊天數 2484
發表於 2018-5-26 21:01
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-former pump attendant, three others capturedPolice have detained a former pump attendant and three others in connection with a brazen robbery shortly after midnight yesterday at a gas station opposite the Providence Police Station.The men,NFL Jerseys From China, aged 20, 19 and 18,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, allegedly made off with $160,000 from Narine’s Gas Station after threatening a female pump attendant with knives and screwdrivers.Police said that the victim identified one of the suspects who had worked as a pump attendant at the same gas station.Kaieteur News understands that the suspects have confessed and that police have recovered $40,000 of the stolen money.They have also confiscated a pair of boots that one of the alleged robbers bought with his share of the cash.According to reports,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, pump attendant Hemwantie Persaud was counting the day’s earnings in a room at the filling station when the three youths entered the premises.Threatening the pump attendant with knives,Wholesale China Jerseys, the robbers then forced her to hand over $160,Cheap Jerseys Store,000 before fleeing.Police, acting on information,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, arrested the suspects yesterday afternoon at their homes in Farm Squatting Area and at Covent Gardens, East Bank Demerara.They were detained at the Providence Police Station and are likely to be charged shortly.