標題: Cheap Wholesale NFL Jerseys A Plaisance resident

帖子 20002
註冊 2017-9-14
用戶註冊天數 2484
發表於 2018-5-25 06:49
分享  私人訊息  頂部
A Plaisance resident ,China Jerseys Wholesale,was shot by police in the vicinity of Linden Bus Park last evening.According to an eyewitness,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, the man allegedly took an item from a vendor in the Stabroek Market and was later chased and apprehended by two policemen in the area.It was disclosed that the man was apprehended in the vicinity of the Linden Bus Park and “he tried fighting with the policemen and even tried to grab the policeman’s gun. But is then he get shoot in he leg.”Another eyewitness said that the man is a known felon who has always been involved in delinquent activities.The man was carried to the Georgetown Public Hospital by policemen where he was treated for a gunshot wound to the left leg and was subsequently taken into custody.