標題: Cheap Soccer Jerseys Whatever the outcome

帖子 20002
註冊 2017-9-14
用戶註冊天數 2484
發表於 2018-5-1 12:50
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The Story within The Story…?By Leonard Gildarie In a few hours Guyana will be heading to the polls to choose a new Government.Leonard GildarieThis is because early elections have been called following the suspension of Parliament late last year by President Donald Ramotar following a deadlock on several issues.I have so many things to write about, but these particular elections are at the top of everyone’s mind and are tough to call.All the analysts and observers agree on one thing – it will be the tightest for the incumbent People’s Progressive Party/Civic.There are so many factors that have thrown the field wide open that the campaign managers would have had their work cut out.I am told about 60 percent of the voters are under the age of 35. Like I said before,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, based on talks with citizens,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, comments on the social media and host of other indicators, the campaigning messages had to deal with issues.No longer is the appealing to voters’ emotions of their past voting habits working.People want to pay less taxes, have better security,Cheap Jerseys From China Online, experience less bureaucracy,Cheap Jerseys From China, have access to house lots, for corruption to be tackled and definitely more accountability from the leaders.We demand more respect from the police and less harassment. Issues like rice and sugar will have to be tackled in a long term strategy and not in a piecemeal manner.Any new Government will have to address these and more.As a relatively young Guyanese, I must say that I love this country deeply. I would prefer to die here than live elsewhere.We have the warmest people in this side of the hemisphere. When elections are not around, anybody can fall in on a domino game. There are inter-racial marriages. It is no longer taboo. The door has been thrown wide open.I love our foods. One can visit the markets and bargain for a fresh avocado or fish eggs.Our natural resources are so much that if we manage them properly and open up our manufacturing sector, the sky would be the limit.Yet for years we have been talking about the potential of Guyana. It seems like a glimmer at the end of the tunnel. Why can’t we get it right?We will have people knocking on the doors to invest. But what are we getting from those investments? Our resources like gold and timber and bauxite and seafood all have to be managed in a sustainable manner.As a journalist and a citizen, let me say that I am unhappy that there seems to be an absence of information when it comes to determining exactly what Guyana is getting from some of the investments we are seeing. We seem to be literally bending over backwards to ensure that Guyana gets as little as possible.So it is on Monday, Guyana will have to vote. Do we keep the current party or do go for a change? Whatever the outcome, we need to stand tall. We have it within us. Guyana cannot afford to stay still.Whichever Government is declared the victor,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, all Guyana must win.The next day,Wholesale Jerseys USA, after the results would have been announced, work begins in earnest. It would be time to roll up the sleeves. The old way of doing politics will no longer work.The winner-takes-all stance will no longer work.The last Parliament has made one thing clear. No one party can boast that it is working in the interest of the people. It is time that we share, that we embrace.I do believe that if there is a change, the same tolerance that is being shown to the ruling party will be accorded to the coalition. The explanation is simple and along the lines I have been arguing. No longer will people be tolerating mediocrity for services or an uneven playing field.Whatever party or coalition wins, rest assured that the intolerance will increase even more the next elections.My best bet will be for the parties to find common ground – put Guyana first. Negotiate.You can’t have almost one half of the population not happy with you. We will be spinning our wheels in the sand. It is time to put the past behind us and move forward.Maybe shared governance?In a few hours, we exercise our constitutional rights. But it just does not end there. Afterwards, it will be time for real maturity. Peace!