標題: Authentic Jerseys Wholesale Lucinda Solomon-Lee

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註冊 2017-9-14
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發表於 2018-4-30 22:23
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Although disheartened at the minute possibility that exists of having her daughter’s body brought back to Guyana for burial, it is Morlyn Scipio’s desire to be provided with “all the details” surrounding her daughter’s death in India.“I want to know why she dead and how she dead,” the distraught woman said during a conversation with this newspaper yesterday.The death of the 37-year-old nurse, Lucinda Solomon-Lee, had been reported to her family members,NFL Cheap Jerseys, via telephone call from her Nigerian husband, three days after her passing.Lucinda Solomon-Lee with her husband and friends.The husband identified as Austine Molar, had not mentioned the cause of death during the phone call; even though questions had been asked.He subsequently sent a detailed Facebook message to the nurse’s sister in which he stated that the nurse had been hospitalised two months prior to her death to undergo an ovarian surgery.In the message, the Nigerian identified three hospitals in India where the woman reportedly received medical attention; including SAFI hospital, where she underwent the surgery and NAIR hospital where she died.Further light was shed on the matter when a conversation between Indian High Commission’s First Secretary, Tirath Singh, and a staff at the NAIR hospital revealed that a woman, listed as Lucinda Aistine Nichols, had been taken to the hospital by four Nigerians and died at 12 AM on July 5. A post mortem was reportedly conducted; however, the findings of that operation could not be disclosed.The body is reportedly still being held in the facility’s mortuary.According to Scipio, in order for her to receive financial assistance to have the body of her daughter brought to Guyana for burial, she must be provided with the findings of the post mortem, information that she is in no position to access.Otherwise, the woman says, the chances are very slim.Still, she is determined that in the event her daughter is buried in India, she needs to be given the details of what caused her daughter’s death.“If we don’t get to bring her, I would feel much better knowing what caused her death,China Adidas Hockey Jerseys,” the mother stated.Secretive and ProudMeanwhile, ever since receiving word of the death of the nurse in India a week ago,NFL Jerseys From China, it has been the strong belief of a close friend that the nurse’s secretive nature compounded with her pride could have very well been what led to her downfall.Opposing what family members and other interested persons contended as cause of the nurse’s death, the woman does not entertain the idea of Solomon-Lee’s Nigerian husband harming her. However,Cheap Jerseys Online, she is not ruling out foul play, since even she held suspicions of the Nigerians.According to family members, there were several reports that the woman had been murdered by her Nigerian husband.Further, the family’s suspicion was peaked due to the man informing them that the nurse had died three days after she passed.However, according to the nurse’s friend, judging from her acquaintance with the couple, one would easily conclude that they were madly in love.“They were always laughing, smiling, cuddling together. Other people around them would get jealous,” the woman said.The woman said that she was not aware of any crisis in the couple’s relationship, even before they were married.Still, her own suspicions, particularly in relation to the Nigerian’s “jobs”, prompted her to remove herself from a similar situation, and she urged Solomon-Lee to follow suit.“I begged and pleaded with her to come home but she made it clear that she’s not coming back,” the woman said. She added that the nurse had, on one occasion, mentioned that she was “shame to come home… she said people would laugh her.”Added to Solomon-Lee’s pride,NBA Jerseys China, the woman contended that she was too secretive of her affairs. “If Lucinda wanted to come home, she would have come home. If she was in trouble, she could have called the Police or the Embassy there…I don’t think she wanted to come back home.”The woman added that she often urged the nurse to confide in someone or to keep in regular contact with her mother in the event of any trouble,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, but her admonitions were ignored. “She never used to call her mother.”The woman said that since it has been confirmed that Lucinda Solomon-Lee has died, family members have little option other than to “get over” the cruel episode.