標題: China Jerseys 00 hrs on September 30.In his defenc

帖子 20002
註冊 2017-9-14
用戶註冊天數 2484
發表於 2018-4-30 06:22
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Fazim Gafoor, 40,NFL Jerseys Outlet, a businessman,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, of 39-40 Windsor Forest, West Demerara was on Thursday sentenced to four years in jail. He appeared before Magistrate Rhondell Weaver in the Fort Wellington Magistrate’s court on a charge of causing death by dangerous driving.He drove motor pick up PMM 8599 in a manner dangerous to the public thus causing the death of four-year-old Vashnie Seelall of Cotton Tree, West Coast Berbice. The accident occurred around 22:10 hrs on September 22,Cheap Jerseys Online, last year on the Cotton Tree Public road.Corporal Orin Joseph,Jerseys NFL China, the prosecutor,Wholesale Jerseys 2017, said that Gafoor was at the wheel of the motor pick up heading towards Georgetown. The vehicle was traveling at a fast rate of speed when in the vicinity of Cotton Tree, West Coast Berbice he lost control and collided with motor car PKK 8838 that was traveling in the opposite direction. Seelall was in the back seat with other members of her family.The child received injuries to her head while the other occupants received minor injuries. She was rushed to the Fort Wellington hospital before being transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital where she was admitted in the ICU for emergency treatment. She succumbed around 05:00 hrs on September 30.In his defence,Cheap NFL Authentic Jerseys, Gafoor told the court that the car emerged suddenly from a gas station and swung into his lane. He stated that a vehicle was parked at the entrance of the said gas station thus forcing the car to swing wide and ending in his path.But the prosecutor urged the court not to believe that story.