標題: cheap nfl jerseys outlet Persaud said

帖子 20002
註冊 2017-9-14
用戶註冊天數 2484
發表於 2018-4-30 00:42
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Crime fighting in Guyana is about to be moved to the next level technologically through the generosity of the US-based Guyana-owned Zara Realty.Police Commissioner (Ag) Balram Persaud tries out one of the computer systems with direction from Naresh Singh, New York based IT consultant as Jay Sobhraj a Director of the Zara Group and Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum look on.To assist the Guyana Police Force in its duties to serve and protect,Cheap Jerseys USA, computers and information technology equipment worth $5M were handed over to the Criminal Investigations Department Headquarters Registry from the group’s Vice President, Jay Sobhraj.Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum, at the handing over ceremony, dubbed the initiative as one that will alleviate the burden of ranks having to file a lot of paper work and files being strewn all over the place.”He also noted that aside from computer systems the project entailed the refurbishing of the Registry office and thanked the donors for the furniture. He said that through the Zara group, policing in Guyana is further developed. There has been a number of donations of computers and related items to other divisions.“The Police Force is grateful that beyond criticism,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, it has been offered tangible solutions to crime fighting and crime solving.”Jay Sobhraj a Director of the Zara group, in making the presentation said the effort is a collective one aimed at making things more advanced for data collection and filing and he encouraged maintenance as the key or the systems will become useless.“What we are doing here today is creating a situation where information on persons is updated and easily accessed by police for more effective crime fighting? through easy access to records but its just one of our many centers to also foster a relationship between the police and the public.” He also encouraged the police to adopt a police activity lane project to help children through the center, and to help the community.“We are giving tools to be put to work to make the future better.”Naresh Singh, New York based IT consultant affiliate with the Zara group said the project is a tangible support offer of over $5m of not just hardware but consulting,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, implementing and installing as well as furniture and room renovation.The equipment handed over included eight desktop computers, two network printers, a server,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, network switches and cable infrastructure. ?He noted that there are three other computer centers plus libraries at the three police colleges.All told the ZARA group has donated more than 100 computer systems over a period of time.“It’s because it’s an effort to give communities opportunities while giving the Guyana Police Force technological resources to assist in crime solving while building relationships,Discount Football Jerseys,” Singh noted.He also assisted the force in setting up the room and even trained staffers. He said that despite the negatives associated with being a police there is a light at the end of every tunnel.The idea for the project he said was birthed on November 14 during consultations to raise funds for those who lost their lives in the line of duty. He said he saw the room previously and it was chaotic for the ranks and the Crime Chief.Singh also noted that while others only see it fit to complain about the negatives of the police force his group decided to rise above in the hope that others will follow in the same line. “Giving computers was not enough, work flow system is important, I want solutions not only complaints. We need to move the negativity aside and work with the police because crime is not just a police problem but a general issue that consumes us all.”He encouraged Guyanese to be optimistic as he is and get on-board to help in crime fighting through positive contributions. “Criticism is good but it is time for us to be positive and offer solutions. He has introduced the force crime fighting leadership as part of the project to sophisticated software that will give real time information.”He also noted that the department has a far way to go still but has installed eyesight software that will help with police clearance and records. The integrated systems help to follow cases from beginning to end.? We are giving solutions to solve problems. In less than a week they can have this system running.Acting Police Commissioner, Balram Persaud, was full of praises for the support that the Zara group has given to make the work of the force more efficient and effective.Zara in realty has moved the police force ahead in IT moving this unit from pen and paper to being more IT oriented which makes work less stressful.