標題: Cheap NFL Jerseys GRDB

帖子 20002
註冊 2017-9-14
用戶註冊天數 2484
發表於 2018-4-29 18:32
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The Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) is investigating reports of ‘fake’ seed paddy being distributed to farmers within the rice growing regions.This is according to Minister of Agriculture,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, Noel Holder, in an interview to the Government Information Agency yesterday. (GINA).Reports had surfaced in some sections of the media that ‘fake’ seed paddy was distributed to farmers in Region Two – Pomeroon/Supenaam— resulting in financial losses to the farmers.The Minister said that no such reports have been received from the other rice producing regions –Regions Three, Four,Cheap Jerseys, Five and Six. However,NFL Jerseys China, he said,cheap nfl jerseys sale, it should be noted that the bond where the seed paddy is stored in Region Two is owned by the Rice Producers Association (RPA).The GRDB has disclosed that from its investigations it found that the RPA also contracts farmers to produce and distribute seed paddy.Investigations also revealed that the quality of the seed paddy which is produced by the GRDB Rice Research and Extension Station,Discount NFL Jerseys, Burma, Mahaicony,NFL Jerseys China, is not the same that is being distributed to farmers after it is collected from the station. This has raised several questions within the GRDB since it is suspected to have been an ongoing practice.Technical advisors within the GRDB have opined that the inferior quality can be a direct result from bad storage. Investigations will continue into these reports and the findings will be made public subsequently.