標題: Cheap NFL Jerseys 42

帖子 20002
註冊 2017-9-14
用戶註冊天數 2484
發表於 2018-4-29 03:38
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A fisherman was robbed all of his day’s sales while making his way home yesterday morning. Salim Khan, 42, of Friends Village,Jerseys NFL China, East Bank Berbice said that he was riding home on his bicycle after selling fish at Edinburgh and Glasgow around 09:30 hrs when “about 10 feet away in the road corner, I noticed a person hiding in the bushes. (The man) ran out and pulled the shirt over he head and run into me”.Khan said, “I tried to escape but I couldn’t make it to escape so he pointed a knife on me back and ordered me to give him all my money so I had to do that– $15,000”.The incident occurred in the Belleview area,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, just near where the Berbice Mining Enterprises (Bermine) operations were located.Khan told this newspaper that after relieving him of his earnings,NFL Jerseys Store, the man ran away and collected his cycle that was in the trench. “He turned back in the direction of New Amsterdam and just then a motorbike was coming and I hollered”.When he screamed for help,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, the bandit turned back and started to head for Khan again.“I then stopped a car and showed them the man and told them that he just robbed me and a passenger in the car was an ex- policeman and we kicked off after him. We run he about 100 feet in the bush and scrambled he,China Jerseys Cheap,” he related.But Khan did not get back his money. He concluded that it must have been dispersed in the bushes or water during the scuffle to get the bandit under control.“We ended up in the bush trying to hold up the man and arrest he,Cheap Jerseys For Wholesale, so we ain’t know where all the money gone. We searched the area but found nothing…We ended up all in the water fighting,” he related.The bandit was then taken to the Sisters’ Police Station and was later transferred to the Central Police Station lock- ups where he remains.Khan stated that he knows the bandit well. He described the man as a regular customer of his.