標題: Wholesale Authentic Jerseys REDDIG II

帖子 20002
註冊 2017-9-14
用戶註冊天數 2484
發表於 2018-4-14 11:14
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The country’s aviation oversight body; the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) has pointed to several important missions that it will be undertaking and continuing this year to bring the sector to a level that is compatible with the international community.The GCAA under the Public Works Ministry in a special press briefing Friday, highlighted the achievements of the agency for the past year. GCAA Director General Zulphicar Mohamed had expressed future plans for the agency.Aviation stakeholders have been speaking for some time about the attainment of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) compliance. The project to achieve compliance with the requirements of ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) commenced and the target is the achievement of an acceptable level of effective implementation; 70 percent by December 2015.ICAO is a?specialized agency?of the?United Nations that codifies the principles and techniques of international air navigation. It fosters the planning and development of international?air transport?to ensure the safe and orderly aviation growth of all its member states.The GCAA stated that a Corrective Action Plan has also been prepared and submitted to and reviewed by ICAO and is ready for implementation. “The first draft of the new Civil Aviation Act and operating regulations has also been completed; and work is currently being done to review and improve other key elements of the legal and regulatory framework in order to achieve not only ICAO compliance but also Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Category One safety rating,” media operatives were told.The local agency said that it will continue to work towards achieving the Category One rating under the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) International Aviation Safety Assessment (IASA) Programme. Category One means that air carriers from the assessed state (country) may initiate or continue service to the United States in a normal manner and take part in reciprocal code-share arrangements with U.S. carriers.For Guyana it would mean that Guyanese operators would be able to fly direct to the US among other benefits.Outside of this, GCAA said it will continue to improve and develop Aeronautical Surveillance using the Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast System (ADS-B). The system was introduced mid last year to better control air traffic at various flying levels.GCAA said that the development and expansion of ADS-B will increase efficiency and capacity of Guyana’s airspace to accommodate a larger volume of traffic/aircraft operations in the airspace; and to track aircraft movement in real time.The ADS-B ground station, software and monitor were installed; and an ADS-B Task Force was established, to keep the industry informed while introductory training was completed for all ANS staff,Discount NFL Jerseys, it was mentioned.An Aeronautical Telecommunication Network of the South American Region (REDDIG II) node was also installed. The equipment will be commissioned on completion of installation in all the South American (SAM) countries.GCAA is also seeking to review and develop appropriate safety and security legislation and policies to enhance the Authority’s oversight and enforcement capability, while complying with ICAO’s USOAP-CMA programme.Acquiring a new Air Traffic Control Simulator for training of air traffic controllers and a review of the agency’s structure, with plans to increase staffing for enhanced oversight functions are also on the agenda.In the area of aviation security, the GCAA said that last year it conducted routine regulatory oversight while Aviation Security Audits were conducted on Suriname Airways Ltd., COPA,cheap jerseys, Insel Air, Dynamic Airways,nfl jerseys china, Secure Innovation and Concepts, Timehri Handling Services, Roraima Airways, CJIA and Travel Span.“In January and July of 2014, the US TSA (Transportation Security Administration) conducted inspections specific to several airlines that operate commercial passenger and cargo flights into the US. These included Caribbean Airlines Ltd. (CAL),Cheap NFL Jerseys, Laparkan Cargo, Suriname Airways Ltd.,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, Amerijet and Vision Airlines.The GCAA reminded of the 2014 Caribbean Airlines flight that had to be monitored when the company’s Barbados office received a call suggesting that the flight would be sabotaged. “Appropriate security agencies in Guyana, Trinidad and Barbados were alerted and monitoring of CAL’s BW-484 flight was conducted until its departure. Close surveillance of air operations out of CJIA was also maintained for some time,Cheap